Catholic Social Services Afghan Appeal Closed

Catholic Social Services Afghan Appeal Closed


Catholic Social Services Afghan Appeal

The appeal for household items and furniture is now closed.

Your response has been so overwhelming that we simply do not have the capacity to manage the volume of goods being offered- such is your generosity. We will honour the arrangements currently in place for delivery or pickup - but as of today we are unable to accept any new offers.

Thank you for your immediate and generous response.  When we made our appeal for help we had no idea of how our community would respond. We are moved and humbled by the outpouring of support and generosity from so many people. We should have known!

If you still wish to make a contribution, there is an ongoing and pressing need for suitable housing, if you can help please contact our community facilitator Paul Alsford at . Any financial donations will also be welcome and can be made by going to our website

As the families arrive in Wellington and begin settling in we will try to update you on how your gifts were applied and the difference they have made in the lives of the Afghani people making a new life here in NZ.

Once again thank you! 

Kia tau te rangimarie kia koe

The team at Catholic Social Services

We cannot remain insensitive, our hearts deadened, before the misery of so many innocent people. We must not fail to weep. We must not fail to respond.” Pope Francis

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