About Us

Our Way of Being for 2024 is: 

  • Whaia te Tika, seek what is right
  • Whaia te Pono, seek the true path
  • Whaia te Aroha, seek the path of empathy and love.


[In 2023, our focus was: Be on the Margins; Be more Collaborative; Growing Relationships through Stories]

Te Ara Whakamua-The Path Ahead


[In 2022, our focus was: Be on the Margins; Be more Collaborative; and Keep on Moving!]



We are a proactive, social services agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington that engages with all people and communities to help & empower them as they live their lives. We are guided by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

These include the Cardinal's Priorities and especially the Synod Outcomes relevant to Catholic Social Services.  Synod Outcomes to be led by CSS:

 Priority 1:

d.  Justice and service bodies in the Archdiocese work together to foster parish service and justice activities, including advocacy on issues related to poverty and disadvantage.

g.  There is a commitment in all areas of the Archdiocese to work together on a method for identifying and addressing the “needs at the peripheries”, which starts with listening to those on the peripheries.

h.  In responding to needs at the peripheries priority is given to:

  • formation in the Social Teaching of the Church
  • development of skills and mentoring for effective and safe involvement with the peripheries
  • providing practical and spiritual support for people reaching out to the peripheries
  • drawing on and sharing the experience of those already engaged at the peripheries.

i.  The Archdiocese engages with existing bodies (such as St Vincent de Paul Society) to determine how best to support and promote greater parish involvement in their work.

j.  Individual and collective cooperation with other Churches and community organisations on addressing the needs of those on the peripheries (including migrants and refugees) is encouraged.

k.  Parishes are encouraged to develop a project approach to service and justice needs.

Priority 7

e.  The Archdiocese, involving Catholic Social Services and other appropriate bodies, supports parishes in dealing with suicide amongst parishioners and their families.

Priority 8

a.  The Archdiocese considers “care for creation” as an integral part of all its activities and decisions.

b.  Ongoing formation based on Laudato Si (with an emphasis on “integral ecology” – Chapter 4) is available to parishes, with a process that leads to practical actions by individuals and groups.

c.  Parishes and schools use “care for creation” projects as an opportunity for cooperation that involves school families with the parish and provides an example to the wider community.

Priority 9

a.  The Archdiocese and parishes actively promote more interaction and partnership with other churches, particularly in action on social issues and joint worship.

Priority 11

e.  Parishes review their support for those suffering grief and loss, including marriage breakdown, health deterioration/disability, with the review supported by Catholic Social Services.

Priority 13

c.  The Archdiocese “raises the profile of the assistance the Church can offer” to the wider community.


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