Catholic Social Teaching

Our work is based on Catholic social teaching, which is a body of writings and thought which applies Catholic moral principles to economic and social issues.

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching/Ngā Matapono Ākoranga Pāpori Katorika

Human Dignity – Made in God’s image: Each of us is made in God’s image, which means each person has an innate human dignity -  te tapu o te tangata – no one can take away.

Solidarity – Walking together: Being in solidarity is recognising others as our brothers and sisters and actively working with them for their good. In our connected humanity we are invited to build relationships – whakawhanaunatanga – to understand what life is like for others who are different from us.

Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable – Protecting those in need: Having a preferential option for the poor – he whakaaro nui mō te hunga rawakore – compels us to think first of the needs of those who are most vulnerable.

Common good – The good of each and all: Commitment to the common good means working for the good of all – hei painga mō te katoa. This means respecting the rights and responsibilities of all people.

Subsidiarity – Empowering communities: Taking account of subsidiarity – mana whakahaere – means ensuring decision making happens at the most appropriate level, so all those affected can contribute.

Stewardship – Being responsible guardians: We are kaitiaki – guardians of the earth.  Exercising stewardship is caring for the gifts God has given us, including the environment, our own personal talents and other resources.

Participation – Everyone with a part to play: Promoting participation – nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou – means recognising we each have something unique to contribute to society.  We are called to be active members of our local and global communities.



"A caring community is one who looks for the needs of those within the community. It is one that brings hope and warmth to those who are socially isolated or dislocated from meaningful relationships."

New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference: Building community, 2017






"The Gospel invites us to answer first and foremost to God who loves us and saves us, recognising Him in our neighbour."

Pope Francis

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