
Refugee Resettlement in Wellington

Each year, 750 former refugees come to New Zealand under the refugee quota. Families arrive in New Zealand and stay in the Mangere Refugee Resettlement Centre in Auckland for a 6 week orientation to the country. Families then move to their homes throughout New Zealand and are supported by a network of government. 

For more information please contact refugees@wn-catholicsocialservices.org.nz or phone 04-385-8642

Seasons for Growth

If you are interested to train as a Seasons for Growth Companion to facilitate a course in one of the different age group programmes (ie Children, Young People, or Adults), we would love to hear from you. Please contact Jess Ferroni, Seasons for Growth Trainer/Coordinator at:  seasons@wn.catholic.org.nz  or her work mobile:  +64 2137 4405 for more information. (Jess' role is part-time and works Monday and Tuesday.) 






"Be always ready to offer solidarity, to be steadfast in your closeness to others, determined in awakening joy and genuine in giving comfort."

Pope Francis, 2016




"The spirit of voluntary service...is the opposite of the spirit of self-interest and individualism that are characteristics of our society, because the volunteer works to assist others and to enhance the common good."<>

New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference: Honouring volunteers, 2001

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