During Level 3 COVID-19 restrictions Catholic Social Services offices closed but still offering remote services

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Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, the Catholic Social Services office in Tory St is closed from 23 March 2020. However, we are still offering the following services remotely

Social Work

Our social workers are fully functional with the use of phone, txt, Zoom and email. All our clients have been contacted and are actively engaged with our team.

All referrals can be made by email reception@wn.catholic.org.nz or calling CSS cell phone 0274055469


Catholic Social Services will continue to fund interpreting services for our clients.

Seasons for Growth

CSS Seasons for Growth Trainer/Coordinator is in communication with other NZ trainers to establish video conferencing for the delivery of Seasons for Growth companion training and small group courses. Companions maybe able to deliver to both children and homebound adults. Programmes are not designed as an immediate response but more appropriate to dealing with post-traumatic grief, beginning sometime after a traumatic event.  For more information please contact: Katrin Eickhorst, 021 374 405, seasons@wn.catholic.org.nz 

Community Facilitation

communication with our communities continues via phone, email, txt and Zoom. This work supports our local parish and wider community efforts to engage with vulnerable people who may be living alone or in precarious living situations. This work is undertaken collaboratively with local St Vincent de Paul conferences and our parish community volunteers.  For access to this service email p.alsford@wn.catholic.org.nz  or call Paul Alsford on 021754 145

Hospital Chaplaincy

Our hospital chaplains and priests are on call while working from home. They are receiving pastoral and critical calls from patients, whanau and staff.  They are available via Wellington, Lower Hutt, Kenepuru, Nelson, Wairau and Wairarapa Hospitals main phone numbers.

Clergy Health Care Support

Communication with all clergy continues by email. This includes provision of updates and current information about COVID-19 responses eg ways to keep safe and managing the lockdown period. For those who don't have email and for our Priests in retirement all will be contacted by phone with ongoing weekly contact arrangements made. Contact details l.macgregor@wn.catholic.org.nz  or ph 021 173 4750.

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