Archdiocese of Wellington and Society of St Vincent de Paul COVID-19 response

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The Archdiocese of Wellington and Society of St Vincent de Paul are supporting parishes in continuing to “go forth” safely to our communities, within the strict lockdown and distancing required by the COVID-19 response.

As Cardinal John said this week: “We know that many people are hurting, and that potentially there is further pain to come, because of sickness, isolation, anxiety, practical and material need, unemployment, loneliness, grief and loss. It’s important that we use what ways are still available to us to continue to connect, to look after each other and to reach out to the most vulnerable among us.”

It is important that in any work we do to support vulnerable people, we maintain and recognise government and community guidelines regarding strict isolation and physical distancing. This means that face-to-face work cannot happen at present; however we can still connect with each other through other means. It is also important that any work carried out at that time continues to operate under the vetting/safeguarding rules concerning people who work with children and vulnerable adults.

Wellington Catholic Social Services is working together with parishes of the Archdiocese through the Archdiocesan Parish Leadership Ministries Team, Young Church Ministries and the Society of St Vincent de Paul to support parishes to reach out to vulnerable members of their and the wider community. The CSS Community Facilitator is available to work with parishes to ensure that this work is done safely and sustainably, and so that parish staff and volunteers are supported.


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